
Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Thu Jan 15 21:17:49 UTC 2009

On 11.01.09 14:41:37, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> SVN commit 909418 by apaku:
> Implement a simple selection interface across platform. Now anything can
> provide a selection and anything can listen to selection changes. This
> should make quite a lot of ui-improvements possible.
> @devs: Please have a look at the interface and let me know any
> comments/opinions you have on it.

I'm wondering wether it would make sense to store the selection on a per
plugin basis (thats what eclipse does). This would allow to access the
selection of a particular plugin later on, if necessary. So in case on
selects a project in the project tree and then maybe something in the
context browser (or whatever else updates the selection) the build
actions would still work as they'd only check the last selection of the
project browser.


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