Tooltip when debugging

David Nolden david.nolden.kdevelop at
Mon Feb 23 11:00:50 UTC 2009

Am Montag 23 Februar 2009 09:10:02 schrieben Sie:
> David,
> I have tried the approach you've implemented and I'm not sure it's ideal.
> Essentially, your approach means that all plugins get hint request, and all
> plugins try to show a tooltip, and then one with highest priority "wins".
> This has a number of issues:
> 1. Given that some plugin might need time to fetch data for display, you
> can get tooltip from one plugin to appear, immediately followed by tooltip
> from another.
I thought this was handled, I don't remember exactly though
> 2. The 'priority' thing is hard to use. If we have a monolithic codebase,
> you can globally assign priorities. However, if I'm creating a custom
> KDevelop-based IDE? pulling plugins from different places, I no longer have
> this luxury. Given two plugins A and B, the question which one should be
> preferred provided of tooltip depends on what IDE one is creating, and what
> perspective is active, and what not. This knowledge cannot be encoded as an
> integer *inside* plugins A and B respectively.
But well, you anyway have to prefer one tooltip over the other? We need a way 
to decide..
> 3. It's fairly confusing that you get two different kinds of plugins
> depending on what element you hover on.
That's true
> 4. I sometimes get a bug whereby two tooltips are shown -- one from
> debugger and another from cpp support -- at different locations.
> So, I still would prefer if, in Debug perspective, the debugger be an
> exclusive provider of tooltips. It's probably possible to implement this by
> a check in cpp support code, or we can introduce 'itooltipprovider' and
> allow a perspective to specify names of tooltip providers in priority
> order.
The only problem is that IMO just because you're in the debug perspective 
doesn't mean you don't want to navigate through the code. For example to jump 
to the definition of a function, place a breakpoint into it, etc.

So ideally we would find a way to use both at the same time. What about having 
some kind of tab-bar at the bottom of the tooltip when there is multiple 
tooltips? We could display the one with highest priority first, and allow 
switching to other ones using the tab. In debug-perspective the debugger could 
have the highest priority, in the code-perspective the navigation-tooltip.

Greetings, David

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