Design of MRU-Navigation wrt. Split-Views

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Sun Feb 15 20:14:46 UTC 2009

On 15.02.09 16:08:20, Alexander Dymo wrote:
> I did some research for what is done by other IDE's and editors. Here are the 
> results:

Thanks a lot for doing that, from the description I think I like the
Eclipse-Version best too. Just a few questions for clarification for those
that don't have eclipse at hand (I'll test this out tomorrow)

> == Eclipse 3.4.1 ==
> - each mainwindow has its own navigation history
> - split views share the common navigation history:
> 	- opening file (in another split view) creates an entry in the common history

So I'd have


When "split current document vertically"? I this case IMHO a thin border
around the related view or some text which view would be activated would be

> 	- switching between files in different split views also creates an entry 

Thats focussing a file in a different split view than the current one,

> Netbean's MRU without "forward" button is ok, but it's rather unusual to see 
> alt-tab'ish behavior in the editor.

Well, I was actually going to do that too, using Ctrl+Tab/Ctrl+Shift+Tab to
switch forward/backward in the history. Or did I understand that wrong?


Do not sleep in a eucalyptus tree tonight.

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