ForwardDeclaration usage

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Wed Feb 11 14:41:10 UTC 2009

On 11.02.09 14:15:24, Milian Wolff wrote:
> I introduced a PreDeclarationBuilder for PHP but this introduced a bunch of 
> bugs I only now realize. Before I try to fix them, I wanted to ask if I could 
> not make it obsolete by using ForwardDeclarations.

Note: I'm no DUChain expert, however

> Take this code:
> ~~~~
> <?php
> $foo = new Bar;
> class Bar {}
> ~~~~
> I.e.: In PHP it is possible to use classes before they are actually declared.

Actually Bar is used before its defined.

Anyway, yes I think you could and should use ForwardDeclaration for that,
because thats really what you're telling the PHP interpreter: Create a new
object from the class Bar, which I will define later on. The only catch
might be if one cannot have the same range covering a ForwardDeclaration
and a Use, because the new Bar is also still a Use of the class Bar...


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