Re-Organize kdevelop/ (again)

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Sun Feb 8 16:51:44 UTC 2009


I think there are some among us who don't like having all plugins in
kdevelop/plugins and rather have them available in the top-level dir.

Now while this is easily doable for languages, managers, builders,
xtest, formatters, debuggers and maybe designers I'm not sure where to put the
rest. That would be documentview, grepview and coverage.

Would kdevelop/util make sense for those?

To conclude our structure would look like this afterwards:

- projectbuilder (builder-plugins for qmake/cmake/make)
- projectmanager (manager plugins for qmake/cmake/make)
- languages (cpp right now only)
- debuggers (gdb + valgrind)
- xtest (qtest only IIRC)
- designers (qtdesigner)
- formatters (astyle, ident)
- util (grepview, documentview)
- app (main application code, IMHO fits better than src as the others
  are "source" as well)
- app_templates (for templates)
- doc
- pics
- cmake

Comments, Opinions?


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