C++ Support has wrong absolute-path-check somewhere

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Fri Feb 6 23:08:27 UTC 2009


It seems that there's still one or two places in the c++ support that
doesn't check properly for absolute paths. In the problem reporter when
hovering over a not-found file I get a tooltip with all the include-paths
that were used, and I see this in that list:


Having the complete debug output from cmake manager, there's no occurence
of such a string in there, which makes me believe this is most probably
somewhere in the C++ support. 

Obviously inspecting all the code is not an option, so unless someone says
"oh yeah I recall one or two places that might be doing it wrong" in the
next days I'll try to find them via brute-force searching for "/" and '/'.


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