
Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Fri Feb 6 09:37:42 UTC 2009

On 06.02.09 10:14:20, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> On 05.02.09 23:37:54, David Nolden wrote:
> > SVN commit 921937 by zwabel:
> > 
> > - Never bypass the instantiation-hash when instantiating a template. This makes sure that we never create the same context-instantiation twice.
> > Still, when template-specializations are involved, sometimes things screw up slightly, and multiple of the same instantiation are created.
> > In that case, do some debug-output, and do not crash.
> > - Within the ~CppDUContext destructor, correctly deregister from the base context, and make the destruction mechanism a bit more logical.
> Thanks a lot. Now the duchain tests all pass, except that item-repository
> problem I've already told you about ( <%1 unreachable test fails ).
> codecompletion test for cpp passes as well. The parser tests pass, except
> the pooltest. That one crashes with a HEAP Corruption here in the
> testObjectAllocation test.
> The delete[] _M_storage[index] in ~rxx_allocator doesn't seem to pass MSVC
> :)
> I'm running the full testsuites for kdevplatform and kdevelop now to see
> wether there are any other fails and later tonight I'll try out opening
> projects and files again.

Is it expected that the embedded free test randomizedTest takes like ages?
Its been running probably more 10 minutes now here and its at cycle 40000.


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