KDevelop4 UI

David Nolden zwabel at googlemail.com
Tue Dec 29 17:49:48 UTC 2009

Am Dienstag 29 Dezember 2009 12:50:58 schrieb Andreas Pakulat:
> On 28.12.09 17:05:53, David Nolden wrote:
> > I've implemented the whole thing now. It basically all works behind
> > KXMLGui's back, because that one neither like the re-ordering nor the
> > re-structuring. But it seems to work very well, and I do like the
> > resulting structure. I think it's not very confusing, as the "File" menu
> > is still easy to find.
> >
> > It still needs some moving around of actions, for example "File -> Quit"
> > needs to go into "Session -> Quit".
> Did you try opening up editor windows or switching between them? On each
> xmlgui client change (removal or addition) I get an additional Editor
> entry. I'm wondering wether thats due to my changes using the menu-name
> as identifier or wether that was also a problem with your original
> implementation.

That problem resulted from your change to use the menu-name instead of the 
text, but I've already fixed it, see the commit-message.

Greetings, David

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