Patch: wake up duchainlock writers

Hamish Rodda rodda at
Mon Dec 14 16:58:17 UTC 2009


I've made a patch to DUChainLock to enable it to wake up writers which have 
had to contend for a lock, rather than waiting for their usleep(10000) to end.  
This has the effect of making multiple parser threads more efficient than just 
one thread for the duchainify tool. (4 threads - 34.3s, 1 thread - 38.0s)  
This is pretty cool, because before, I found that using 4 threads actually 
added 10s.  mutrace shows that with this patch, lock contention becomes a much 
bigger issue, which is to be expected.

I'm posting here as I have not had sufficient time to test it with kdevelop, 
and also it seems slower (although not measured)... which is pretty weird.  
Any ideas? Post your experience with it...

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