Beta6 Planning

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Sun Aug 9 15:21:31 UTC 2009


I'd like to discuss plans about beta6. My idea was to release it within
the next 2 weeks, the last beta that will work with KDE 4.2. I thought
about the following schedule:

18. August, 11:00 CET (GMT+2) - Feature Freeze, only bugfix commits
20. August, 20:00 CET (GMT+2) - Complete freeze for tarball creation
20. August, 24:00 CET (GMT+2) - Unfreeze, if tagging and tarball
                                creation and compilation was successful,
                                upload of tarballs and notify packagers
21. August, official release date, blog-post and news entry on
   to notify users

I don't want to do a dot-announcement for this one necessarilly, as I
don't want to "spam" the dot with kdevelop-beta-release announcement and
the next one is more important due to the increased kde requirement.

Any objections/corrections?


You are a very redundant person, that's what kind of person you are.

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