GSOC C++ Refactoring support
Kaleb Pederson
kaleb.pederson at
Thu Apr 30 23:31:30 UTC 2009
Hi All,
I've been working on my Master's thesis on refactoring, so I've been following this list for a while so I could pick up anything relevant. When I originally started my thesis, I was implementing a refactoring tool, but since then it's changed focus (reality is I just didn't have the time for that), although it's still refactoring related.
Despite that, I did collect a fantastic starting point for a test suite entirely by the graciousness of Richard on the refactoring yahoogroup who provided me with a copy of one he wrote. He took the time to examine many of the different problems that would need to be considered when performing refactorings in C++ and documented them in working C++ source files. The suite contains a number of files which are named based on the refactoring to be performed. Within the files are comments containing "#TEST#" that can be used to identify different tests to be performed.
Here's a brief excerpt of Rename.h:
// #TEST#: R24 Rename this macro
#define MACRO_NO_ARGS 3.14159f
// #TEST#: R25 Rename this macro argument
// #TEST#: R26 Rename this macro
#define MACRO_ONE_ARG(x_) (2.0f*x)
class Operations
int Operation1() { return 1; }
int Operation2() { return 2; }
// #TEST#: R1 Rename this class, but class in Rename2.cpp shouldn't be renamed
class Rename1
// #TEST#: R2 Rename this class via its c'tor
// #TEST#: R32 Rename this class via its d'tor
// #TEST#: R33 Rename this class via typedef
// #TEST#: R34 Rename typedef MyClass
typedef Rename1 MyClass;
// #TEST#: R3 Rename this method
void Operation()
I hope the test suite is useful to you and helps you accomplish more.
Thank you for your efforts and willingness.
On Thursday 30 April 2009 03:44:16 pm Ramón Zarazúa wrote:
> >2009/4/27 Ramón Zarazúa <rzarazua at>:
> >> If there is any suggestions/requests I will gladly take them
> Another thing I woult like to put out there is that testing is a huge part
> of this project, I will develop a set of Unit tests to test out the
> framework. If anyone wants to contribute unit tests I will set up a folder
> on the svn.
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