Missing toolbar buttons

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Wed Apr 29 23:42:05 UTC 2009

On 29.04.09 20:52:30, David Nolden wrote:
> Am Mittwoch 29 April 2009 20:46:37 schrieb Andreas Pakulat:
> > On 29.04.09 18:13:41, David Nolden wrote:
> > > After the developer sprint, my toolbar is missing the "switch area"
> > > buttons. This is probably due to some rc file version problem, right?
> >
> > No. Alex removed them on purpose, IIRC he has some plans for a better
> > area-switcher that doesn't involve a but-ugly combobox.
> Nope, wrong. He replaced them with tool-buttons. Looks like you didn't seem 
> them yet for exactly this reason. ;-)

Actually, my brain just dropped that detail and so far I only pay very
little attention to the toolbar when I use kdevelop because it doesn't
contain anything I need (as I don't use the debugger atm).


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