Merging launch framework

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Tue Apr 28 19:20:55 UTC 2009

On 28.04.09 00:36:32, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> On 26.04.09 19:44:07, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > good news, I've got the launch framework ready to execute applications and
> > also configure launches. That means I could merge now.
> > 
> > However, I've also had to disable gdb plugin basically (i.e. it doesn't
> > do anything at the moment) and I'm feeling kinda lost when trying to
> > find out how I can properly port it to the launch framework.
> > 
> > So I'd like some opinion on how we want to do the merging, should I just
> > merge what I have and we'll try to port gdb together. Or should I just
> > post a patch for current trunk (pretty huge diff however)?
> Well, was actually easier than I thought after matching Niko's
> explanations (big thank you) with the actual code.
> So, I've got a patch (sorry, too late to dive into git documentation to
> find out how to easily create a proper patch from a git branch, will do
> that tomorrow) that implements the run framework and allows to run and
> debug executables. Things that are missing

Ok, patches for both modules are attached. Didn't put them on
reviewboard as itIMHO doesn't make sense, they're simply too large.

Note that as I said before some parts related to the old run-framework
are still commented out..


Your boss is a few sandwiches short of a picnic.
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