Highlighting an "already up to date" document?

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Wed Apr 15 13:09:41 UTC 2009

On 15.04.09 13:24:43, Milian Wolff wrote:
> On Wednesday 15 April 2009, David Nolden wrote:
> > Am Mittwoch 15 April 2009 00:24:06 schrieb Nick Shaforostoff:
> > > I'm not sure this is related, but custom (non-kate) highlighting indeed
> > > doesn't work in some cases: doesn't work when opening file via: ctrl+o,
> > > ctrl+alt+o
> > > does work when opening file via: project view, ctrl+click (from code)
> >
> > Are you sure that this is the exact pattern? Because I cannot reproduce it.
> > Maybe your build is screwed up as well.
> >
> > Greetings, david
> I just deleted all installed files + kdevduchain and did a fresh install of 
> kdevplatform, kdevelop and php. Yet still I can reproduce the problem:
> 1. Open a file in KDevelop (Cpp or PHP - doesn't matter)
> 2. Let it be parsed and highlighted
> 3. close the file
> 4. reopen the file via quickopen
> => broken, as I have described above

I can reproduce this here, though it doesn't seem to happen for files that
are being opened during startup of kdevelop.

I also see the error-underline for the first character in the top-left


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