How do I extend IntegralType properly?

Milian Wolff mail at
Fri Apr 10 21:52:36 UTC 2009

Hey guys!

PHP has a "resource" type, which resembles for example file resources, mysql-
result resources etc. To support that, I want to extend IntegralType. I 
thought all I had to do was what I've done in IntegralTypeExtended (attached) 
and adapt my typebuilder, but I'm stuck - it simply doesn't work. In my 
unittest I see that the type is correctly set, yet it seems to be a normal 
IntegralType, i.e. toString() returns "<unknown>" instead of "resource"...

The type-builder is correct, I think (look at the current typebuilder, the 
TODO for resource):

    } else if (type == "resource") {
        AbstractType::Ptr ret(new 
        return ret;

I'm lost... Do I have to adapt more methods? E.g. hash() or something?

Or what exactly could be the issue here? I'm not very confident with casting, 
could that be the issue? I mean stuff like IntegralType::dynamicCast(...);
Would that "strip" the IntegralTypeExtended and make it a simple IntegralType?

Milian Wolff
mail at
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