Run Configurations API and GUI

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Sat Apr 4 13:10:56 UTC 2009

On 04.04.09 15:05:21, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> Hi,
> as I said I'm starting on run configs (unfortunately slower than I
> expected) framework. Right now I'm a little stuck as to how to best
> integrate support for debuggers/memory-checkers/profiling tools into all
> this.
> My current API allows to register a config-type with the platform, the
> type has exactly 1 method (well also a name) which creates a kjob that
> will execute a given run config (see the attached headers). A run
> configuration will reference its type and basically contains a
> kconfiggroup which can be used by the GUI widgets to store settings and
> which is used then by the type's createRunJob method to read out the
> settings needed.
> The gui part is currently a list of factories, that can create special
> QWidget subclasses, associated to a config type.
> This works perfectly to supply a custom method of running something (say
> starting a webbrowser on a remote url). However it completely breaks
> down when one wants to use the same configuration, but for a
> debugger/memchecker/... 
> The problem is that those would need to supply their own config type to
> be able to override the createRunJob method. That in turn means that
> you'd possibly have two configs in the GUI, one for running and another
> for debugging.

Ooops, sorry, just ignore this. I pressed the wrong button and sent
instead of saved for later. I'm having some more thoughts before
bothering you guys :)


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