Hash class problem

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Sat Sep 20 11:26:20 UTC 2008


I've recently restarted my kdevelop/win32 efforts as I really need to
get an IDE on that platform up and running (one that doesn't suck for
C++) and I'm having a problem with duchain and its use of a hash class.

As far as I understood QHash is too slow for the needs of duchain, is
that right? If so: Has somebody with insight why QHash is so slow told
TT? Obviously using QHash would be the best solution to the problem.

Currently duchain uses ext/hash without any ifdef's or so which means
kdevplatform is completely ignoring the KDE target platforms and only
work on linux with recent gcc. (not sure if 3.4 contains ext/hash). How
about we move the hash class from gcc 4.3 into our utils library until
we can switch to QHash or find a better solution to the problem?


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How unusual!

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