Signed messages in the list

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Fri Sep 19 16:19:57 UTC 2008

On 19.09.08 18:11:06, Evgeniy Ivanov wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> I saw somewhere some people dislike signed letters (I'm not strong in
> pgp, but maybe some browsers don't support it). Is it ok to use it? I
> noticed only 2 people here with signatures (Hamish and me).
> I use it just because I have it in my thunderbird (tried it for interest).
> - --
> Cheers, Evgeniy.
> Key fingerprint: F316 B5A1 F6D2 054F CD18 B74A 9540 0ABB 1FE5 67A3
> Version: GnuPG v2.0.9 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with SUSE -
> iEYEARECAAYFAkjTsvoACgkQlUAKux/lZ6OF2ACfQXi5cuensuFfrODs+slqqUuU
> 5pMAoLgSSCQazBlT90RQ/7EC89sj92n3
> =bk0t

I don't like this. I'm not sure what this kind of signing is called, but
my mail client doesn't understand it so its completely useless to me.
Apart from that I'd have to hand-edit the mail everytime and then remove
the text parts from PGP.

If you or the others think its useful I won't stop anybody from doing
it, but I'll probably not going to hand-edit the mails :P

I do send my private messages signed most of the time, I can't recall
the reasons right now, but I'm led to believe that signing messages for
a mailinglist isn't much use anyway.

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