KDevelop Maintainership

David Nolden zwabel at googlemail.com
Mon Sep 8 10:29:03 UTC 2008

Am Montag, 8. September 2008 12:08:34 schrieb Andreas Pakulat:
> I've refrained from answering to this thread until now because I
> couldn't really make up my mind.
> So unless somebody has objections, I'm going to apply for
> release-coordinator for the kdevplatform and kdevelop module's. This
> basically means that I'm the single-point-of-contact for anything
> release-related. I don't think that part is going to be a lot different
> from now as I already do most of the things (see
> http://techbase.kde.org/Projects/Release_Team#Functions). I still want
> us as a group to do the important decisions, release-schedule,
> feature-list for a specific release and also to decide on the
> longer-term-future of KDevelop4. However I reserve the "last word" on
> any decision that we can't reach a concensus on or at least find a
> majority for one side of the discussion.
> So what do you guys think?
> Andreas

I think of all the core developers, you have the "broadest" commitment(Also 
considering bugzilla, wiki, etc.), while the others like me mainly 
concentrate on a specific part of KDevelop. So you're already now the one 
closest to the "Maintainer" role.

I also have my Visions for KDevelop, and would maybe have stepped forward at 
some point, but I know you're a sane person, and since we will anyway 
continue doing decisions in the group, I'm very happy with you being our new 

Greetings, David

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