
David Nolden zwabel at googlemail.com
Wed Oct 8 21:26:25 UTC 2008

Am Mittwoch, 8. Oktober 2008 23:01:53 schrieb Andreas Pakulat:
> Hmm, I think its either the typedef, or the template parameter thats
> confusing msvc. Because the template parameter has the same name as the
> typedef in the Base class.
> So I changed it to be a c-style-cast to AbstractFunctionDeclarationData*,
> which works. Is that ok for you?

Not sure, it's less safe because AbstractFunctionDeclarationData does not have 
such a direct relation to the base(May be reached through multiple 
inheritance-paths). Maybe the compiler fails to cast that correctly. Does 
duchaintest still succeed?

What about just renaming the template-parameter?

Greetings, David

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