run settings

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Fri Oct 3 17:54:49 UTC 2008

On 03.10.08 18:24:56, Aleix wrote:
> hi list!
> I've been checking that the run settings are not all that integrated with
> the environment as they could be. I've been thinking that maybe we could add
> every executable-target to the target list after loading the project.
> We should remove the default target thing too, I think. It has to be
> specified every time and it doesn't have any direct use as I can see.

+1, the default target is not going to work if you work with multiple
projects/targets. I think just having a list of 'recently executed'
targets/runnable should be fine. So you can easily re-run whatever you
executed last, or 2nd-last....
> Any idea? is anybody on this? can i play with it?

Well, Vladimir had some plans, but apparently no time. Especially on the
GUI and general design parts. So maybe ask him to give you an overview of
his plans. Other than that, you're free to play with everything you want of
course :)


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