kdevgit caused crash when trying to commit 1 file
Andreas Pakulat
apaku at gmx.de
Tue Nov 25 20:14:46 UTC 2008
On 25.11.08 23:01:19, Evgeniy Ivanov wrote:
> Hi,
> I will try to have a look this weekend. Can you please provide more
> information about what you have done? Last 2 times the reason was in Qt
> (QFileInfo) and in KDE (deadlock) libs, but of course there were some my
> bugs before.
Well, I modified core.cpp, right-click in the editor, chose Version
Control->commit... Then put a commit-message into the textedit and hit
Ctrl+Enter (which is a shortcut for the Ok button). Then kdev crashed.
Chess tonight.
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