duchain unstable?

Matthew Woehlke mw_triad at users.sourceforge.net
Thu Nov 20 16:48:36 UTC 2008

David Nolden wrote:
> Am Donnerstag, 20. November 2008 01:36:58 schrieb Matthew Woehlke:
>> I've just suffered a couple kdevelop crashes. Here's the latest; any
>> thoughts?
> Looks just like something with your kdevelop compilation/installation is 
> screwed up. Look at the place where it crashes, it is not duchain related, 
> but rather the language support infrastructure. What did you do before it 
> happened?

Ok, I'm not quite caught up on mail... this may be related to Aleix's 
report from this Sunday (16/11). I *did* have mainly a bunch of CMake 
files open.

On a (vaguely) related note, how the *(%$# do I turn off the broken 
highlighting? Besides that there *really* should be an option to turn it 
off for people that just don't want/need it, it invariably insists on 
using colors that make whatever it fiddles with illegible. (Someone 
isn't using KColorUtils...)

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