Replacing QRegExp with CMake RegularExpression

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Tue Nov 4 19:17:17 UTC 2008

On 02.11.08 02:59:06, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> Hi,
> so I thought it might be interesting to try this out. Turned out to be a
> bit more complex than I initially thought and unfortunately it also
> introduces one regression with the kde4addunittest test. (I'm seeing an
> error message from RegularExpression about nested "*?+", so that might be a
> hint).
> Having done a quick time kdevelop like test the startup speed of kdevelop
> including loading of kdevplatform was reduced frmo 15 to 11 seconds on my
> old machine. 
> The patch is attached for anyone to look at, whats a bit scary is the
> conversion between QString and char* for the RegularExpression class. I'm
> actually thinking about seeing wether converting to QChar helps with that
> or wether using that class drains performance again.

I guess nobody really tried this out, right? Because at least here I get
an std::badalloc when trying to open kdevelop or kdevplatform. So for now,
no RegExp replacement as I think we have more pressing issues than the last
few seconds - besides probably none of us uses a release Qt build, which
might make QRegExp a lot faster.


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