Problems building duchain on win32

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Fri Mar 28 21:42:51 UTC 2008

On 28.03.08 22:02:30, David Nolden wrote:
> On Friday 28 March 2008 20:25:01 Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> > On a side note: Is there a reason for the export macro on line 629 in
> > templatedeclaration.cpp? ccp support builds without it and the symbol
> > isn't used outside as its inside a .cpp.
> I think it was needed, because else the template-declaration isn't exported, 
> and isn't called when the virtual function is used from within kdevplatform. 
> I'm not sure though, but I think there was such a problem.

Interesting, yes that does make some sense as the function is not
visible outside the library... Can you put the function into the header?

> > an interested user just posted the following problem on irc. I couldn't
> > find duplicate declaration or definition of the function in question.
> > Could this be a bug in MinGW compiler?
> Hmm I don't know, I'm not an expert about the whole "export" and plugin/dll 
> stuff. Maybe it should be a simple "export" there, not a 

those export macro's evaluate to declspec(dllimport) when the file is
#included in a c++ file outside the same library and they evaluate to
declspec(dllexport) in the case that the file is included or compiled in
the library it belongs to. 

The question is why mingw thinks the function is defined twice.  And I
really have no good idea either :(


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