Unit Test integration, another GSoC proposal

Manuel Breugelmans mbr.nxi at gmail.com
Wed Mar 12 09:59:55 UTC 2008

On Saturday 01 March 2008 01:19:16 Matt Rogers wrote:
> Go for it. Projects will be chosen based on how good their proposals are,
> so feel free to ask questions as you write your proposal
> --
> Matt

I compiled a kdevelop4 and ran the auto-tests :) Since there's currently c++ 
support I suppose frameworks of other languages will have to wait. Is there a 
feature planning available?

With this in mind I would integrate 
- QtUnit
- CppUnit
- Check

Before writing out my full proposal I'd like to get your input on 
functionality. This is what I had in mind:
- Graphical runner, selectable execution of tests
- Stub creation
- Link to source in case of failure
- (semi-) self configuring cfr junit eclipse
- Chronological, aggregated reports

- Manuel

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