KDevelop 3.5.3 release

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Sun Jun 29 08:29:20 UTC 2008

On 28.06.08 15:58:53, Amilcar do Carmo Lucas wrote:
> Hi all,
> There will be a KDE 3.5.10 release in the mid of August.
> I plan to do a KDevelop 3.5.3 together with that.
> There have been some patches and fixes post 3.5.2 and it looks like we 
> currently have relatively few bug reports so we are in a good shape IMHO.
> There is only one issue, KDevelop no longer compiles under debian/ubuntu 
> systems :(
> It compiles under all other linux flavors, without patches.
> But I guess the debian build system patches break it, I already contacted the 
> maintainer, but so far I got no answer.
> So can someone please help me out ?

Just fixed this, Amilcar got the commit via ccmail. Reason was that the
.la files where referenced via ${top_srcdir}, while .la are of course
created in the builddir. so thats the fix for this and 4 more places.


Today is what happened to yesterday.

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