When create DUContexts

David Nolden zwabel+kde at gmail.com
Sat Jun 14 10:23:27 UTC 2008

Am Samstag, 14. Juni 2008 12:02:28 schrieb Niko Sams:
> //top context
> class A {   //context for class
>     function foo($i) { //context for params
>         //context for method body
>         //imports params-context
>     }
> }
Yep that's correct

> how about this:
> function foo() {
>     if (true) {
>         $i = 1;
>     }
>     echo $i; //prints 1
> }
I don't exactly know php, but in C++ you would create:
- A context for foo parameters
- A context for foo body, which imports parameters
- A context for the condition in the if statement
- A context for the compound statement behind the if statement, that imports 
the conditions context

> another example:
> function foo() {
>     $a = array(1,2,3);
>     foreach ($a as $i) {
>     }
>     echo $i; //prints 3
> }
Same as with the if statement.

What bothers me more than creating context when it comes to dynamic languages 
is the creation of Declarations. You will probably have to create a 
Declaration on the first assignment to a name, but will you be able to tell 
that declarations type?

Greetings, David

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