Departure notice

Jakob Petsovits jpetso at
Thu Jul 17 17:19:07 UTC 2008

Hi list(s),

I thought it might be a good idea to notify you that I'll be gone from
KDE development for at least half a year, first leaving for a one-month trip 
abroad and afterwards working pretty much exclusively on my diploma thesis, 
hopefully. I might come back in 2009, or I might not, depends.

Whatever the outcome, you'll have to sort out icon issues without me being
involved, so I also retract any claims for icon naming maintainership.
Please take care that pinheiro's new icons land in their appropriate 
application folder if they don't belong into core Oxygen, and come up with 
nice names by yourself, following other icon names in the naming spec and 
Oxygen. You'll work it out :)

I'll unsubscribe from most mailing lists and perhaps even from the Planet,
and won't show up in IRC very often anymore. If you need something pressing,
you can still reach me by private mail (from September on, I'll be completely
unavailable from upcoming Saturday until the end of August).

So essentially, I'm leaving the community for the time being.
It's not a personal issue (and I especially want to emphasize that my minor 
conflict with JRT has nothing to do with my departure), it's just that I need 
to focus on other stuff more.

Just want to say that you're all doing a great job - KDE has never been more 
exciting than today, and you people are directly responsible for that :D
Keep on rocking!


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