C++ Completion Test fails

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Sat Feb 23 13:53:39 UTC 2008


I wanted to check wether my last fix for the cpp completion test is
correct, but the test already fails early on:
********* Start testing of TestCppCodeCompletion *********
Config: Using QTest library 4.4.0, Qt 4.4.0-snapshot-20080214
PASS   : TestCppCodeCompletion::initTestCase()
QDEBUG : TestCppCodeCompletion::testInclude() <unknown program name>(13389)/ TestPreprocessor::sourceNeeded: parsing included file " "file1.h" "
QDEBUG : TestCppCodeCompletion::testInclude() <unknown program name>(13389)/ TestPreprocessor::sourceNeeded: parsing included file " "testFile1.h" "
QDEBUG : TestCppCodeCompletion::testInclude() <unknown program name>(13389)/ ContextBuilder::buildContexts: ContextBuilder::buildContexts: compiling
QDEBUG : TestCppCodeCompletion::testInclude() <unknown program name>(13389)/ KDevelop::DUChain::addDocumentChain: duchain: adding document "file:///internal/2 134797064"   0x80b4300
QDEBUG : TestCppCodeCompletion::testInclude() <unknown program name>(13389)/ KDevelop::DUChain::chainForDocument: No chain found for document  "file:///internal/2 134797064"
QDEBUG : TestCppCodeCompletion::testInclude() <unknown program name>(13389)/ KDevelop::DUChain::addDocumentChain: new count of real chains:  1  proxy-chains:  0
QFATAL : TestCppCodeCompletion::testInclude() ASSERT: "DUChain::lock()->currentThreadHasReadLock() || DUChain::lock()->currentThreadHasWriteLock()" in file /home/andreas/KDE-work/4.0/kdevplatform/language/duchain/declaration.cpp, line 201
FAIL!  : TestCppCodeCompletion::testInclude() Received a fatal error.
   Loc: [Unknown file(0)]
Totals: 1 passed, 1 failed, 0 skipped
********* Finished testing of TestCppCodeCompletion *********

Any ideas?


You are not dead yet.  But watch for further reports.

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