[kdev3.5] Bug 153642, grepview + patch

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Tue Feb 5 22:19:49 UTC 2008

On 05.02.08 22:35:51, Bernd Buschinski wrote:
> I have no clue why it was backported from kdev4, I dont like timers at all and 
> settings the timeout to 200ms wont help mutch in my opinion.
> Because the timeout deletes text from an used buffer, I mean durring the 200ms 
> (and maybe longer) the buffer is still used and stuff is added and deleted, 
> and nobody has a clue whats happening after exatcly 200ms.
> Maybe I am wrong, but removing the timer looks like the best option to me :)
> The patch fixes the bug, or at least I couldnt find any choped messages.

I was going to fix that damn thing on the coming weekend (which I think
means it'll get into 3.5.1). Ossi said he left a hint on the BR how to
fix it properly, but I haven't had time yet to look into that. Or maybe
I'll have a look tomorrow, today its too late unfortunately. (I guess I
should just skip real life and spend all free time on hacking ;)

Or actually, this affects my day-job, so I can justify fixing it
tomorrow. Of course I'll first have a look at your patch :)


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