Google sparsehash and Qt::Handle on Mac Os X
cedric.pasteur.2006 at
Tue Dec 23 18:08:44 UTC 2008
I finished compiling and now when I run it I get the following crash:
#0 0x0247864f in QMutex::lock ()
#1 0x02cb10e6 in QMutexLocker::relock (this=0xbfffdde8) at qmutex.h:116
#2 0x02cb1155 in QMutexLocker::QMutexLocker (this=0xbfffdde8, m=0x10) at
#3 0x02d7fd5c in
Repositories::StringRepositoryItemRequest, KDevelop::ReferenceCounting,
true, 0u, 524288u>, true, true>::createRepository (this=0x2e9df64) at
#4 0x02d7fe6f in
Repositories::StringRepositoryItemRequest, KDevelop::ReferenceCounting,
true, 0u, 524288u>, true, true>::operator-> (this=0x2e9df64) at
#5 0x02d7f3be in KDevelop::IndexedString::IndexedString (this=0xbfffdea4,
string=@0xbfffdea8) at
#6 0x02d49e20 in KDevelop::Identifier::Identifier (this=0x2e9de34,
id=@0xbfffdefc, start=0, takenRange=0x0) at
#7 0x02e04559 in __static_initialization_and_destruction_0 ()
#8 0x02e045d4 in global constructors keyed to
_ZN8KDevelop20DUContextDynamicData24m_localDeclarationsMutexE ()
#9 0x8fe12f36 in
#10 0x8fe0e7e3 in
__dyld__ZN11ImageLoader23recursiveInitializationERKNS_11LinkContextEj ()
#11 0x8fe0e775 in
__dyld__ZN11ImageLoader23recursiveInitializationERKNS_11LinkContextEj ()
#12 0x8fe0e775 in
__dyld__ZN11ImageLoader23recursiveInitializationERKNS_11LinkContextEj ()
#13 0x8fe0e8c9 in
__dyld__ZN11ImageLoader15runInitializersERKNS_11LinkContextE ()
#14 0x8fe04102 in __dyld__ZN4dyld24initializeMainExecutableEv ()
#15 0x8fe07bcf in __dyld__ZN4dyld5_mainEPK11mach_headermiPPKcS5_S5_ ()
#16 0x8fe01872 in __dyld__ZN13dyldbootstrap5startEPK11mach_headeriPPKcl ()
#17 0x8fe01037 in __dyld__dyld_start ()
With the 'Bus error' mesage printed.
Any idea where does this come from?
2008/12/23 Cédric PASTEUR <cedric.pasteur.2006 at>
> Hi,I'm trying to compile KDevelop on Mac OS X.
> I have a problem with DUChain and it's use of dense_hash_map with Key ==
> Qt::HANDLE, which corresponds to a void* on Mac OS X (and an unsigned int on
> Linux).
> But there is no hash<void*> in STL hash_fun.h
> The fix I found was to add a template specialization;
> template<>
> struct hash<void*>
> {
> size_t
> operator()(void* __x) const
> { return (unsigned long)__x; }
> };
> in hash_fun.h
> Is it the right way to fix this?
> Best regards
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