KDevelop releases

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Sun Dec 14 23:55:36 UTC 2008

On 14.12.08 19:25:39, Amilcar do Carmo Lucas wrote:
> Hi all,
> I plan to release KDevelop 3.5.4 in the next few days so if you have patches 
> for it, commit them.

+1 from me
> KDevelop 4.0 is progressing, but it's documentation is close to zero.
> Some developers have private blogs where they occasionally post some very nice 
> articles. I've added all of them to the "in the press" page of the website.

Thats cool, I just created two new posts, which are especially directed at
"first time users":

> But the wiki page that I consider the most informative and most important:
> http://www.kdevelop.org/mediawiki/index.php/KDevelop_4/KDev3_KDev4_comparison_table

Hmm, last time I had a look there wasn't really something I wanted to edit
IIRC. But I'll try to dedicate some time to the "boring" ;) wiki-editing
and bug-maintaining next week.


You're growing out of some of your problems, but there are others that
you're growing into.

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