KDevelop releases

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Sun Dec 14 22:41:51 UTC 2008

On 14.12.08 20:07:11, Mario Chacon wrote:
> ok, I know about the hard work that you are doing with Kdeveelop4. but the
> way I downloaded and compiled it Kedevelop4 but I can't compile any project,
> Is it possible to make a simple c++ hello world?

The closes there is is a Qt4 core project (a cmake based Qt4 project using
only QtCore). But after creating the project you need to right-click on it
in the projects tree and then choose "Configure" -> "CMake" and add a
builddir there. Then either right-click on it to build it, or add it to a

> Is it a guide or documentation do it?

No, we don't have any documentation writers.


You have an ambitious nature and may make a name for yourself.

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