broken QObject::connect in quickopen plugin

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Thu Dec 11 09:09:07 UTC 2008


Olivier Goffart just pointed this one out on IRC and I have a related

void QuickOpenWidgetHandler::run() {
  o.list->setModel( 0 );
  //This is a workaround for a problem in KStyle where the scroll-mode is
  //overwritten with ScrollPerPixel during show()
  //Usually all this stuff should be done BEFORE show() is called
  m_model->setTreeView( o.list );
  o.list->setModel( m_model );
  connect( o.list->selectionModel(), SIGNAL(currentRowChanged( const
QModelIndex&, const QModelIndex& )), this, SLOT(currentCh
anged( const QModelIndex&, const QModelIndex& )) );
  connect( o.list->selectionModel(), SIGNAL(selectionChanged( const
QModelIndex&, const QModelIndex& )), this, SLOT(currentCha
nged( const QModelIndex&, const QModelIndex& )) );

The second connect is wrong, selectionChanged doesn't provide model indexes
as parameters. IIRC its itemselection, which will need a separate slot.

I didn't fix this because I'm not sure what the inteded behaviour is when
multiple items are selected (does the view even support that?). 

Which brings me to my question: Can we have the multiple selection in
quickopen back? I'm using that feature every once in a while in KDevelop3.


It may or may not be worthwhile, but it still has to be done.

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