kdevgit caused crash when trying to commit 1 file
Evgeniy Ivanov
powerfox at kde.ru
Mon Dec 1 21:38:55 UTC 2008
Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> On 25.11.08 23:01:19, Evgeniy Ivanov wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I will try to have a look this weekend. Can you please provide more
>> information about what you have done? Last 2 times the reason was in Qt
>> (QFileInfo) and in KDE (deadlock) libs, but of course there were some my
>> bugs before.
> Well, I modified core.cpp, right-click in the editor, chose Version
> Control->commit... Then put a commit-message into the textedit and hit
> Ctrl+Enter (which is a shortcut for the Ok button). Then kdev crashed.
Sorry for late reaction on this. Looks like it is caused by trolls:
kdevelop(20710)/kdevplatform (vcs) DVCSjob::start: Working directory:
kdevelop(20710)/kdevplatform (vcs) DVCSjob::start: Execute dvcs command:
"git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree"
QString workDir = repository; //Repo is
QFileInfo fsObject(workDir);
if (fsObject.isFile())
workDir = fsObject.path();
//should be "/home/kde-devel/kdevelop-projects/git2/src/" now.
You might remember, that there was a bug with QFileInfo.path() and I
filed it to trolls. Maybe they fixed it in the way our code doesn't like.
Anywhere will try (can't promise I will do) to have a closer look to
check these days.
Cheers, Evgeniy.
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