stgructure initialization stype shows as error

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Fri Aug 29 06:45:22 UTC 2008

On 29.08.08 10:55:57, Kishore wrote:
> In C, structures can be initialized by either having comma separated values or 
> by using member names as is shown below. Using the second method, shows a red 
> error mark with kdevelop.
> struct SomeStruct
> {
>     int a;
>     int b;
> };
> struct SomeStruct someStruct =
> {
>     a: 10, //<-- : on this line is marked in red
>     b: 20
> };
> The above code is valid code but is not considered so by kdevelop.

Is this with kdevelop4? Is this also valid C++ code? (I don't have a C++
reference at hand). If the answer is yes to both of the questions you
should file a bugreport for this.


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