languages/cpp/parser: lexer error

Marek Jasovsky jasovsky.marek at
Mon Aug 25 16:40:22 UTC 2008


I found this weird behavior in cpp lexer in kdev4 while struggling to
learn something about  duchain.

in kdevplatform/plugins/duchainviewer/duchainmodel.cpp

QModelIndex DUChainModel::index(int row, int column, const QModelIndex
& parent) const // line 147
{ //line 148
                                                           #                #
  if (row < 0 || column < 0 || column > 0 || !m_chain) //line 149
    return QModelIndex(); //line 150

kdev4 problems view gives me  2 errors marked with # above the line...
(3rd zero and last closing brace, but code gets compiled without

first: Expected token ')' after '>' found 'number_literal' (Lexer)
2nd: Unexpected token ')'


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