Guidance for contribution ...

David Nolden zwabel+kde at
Sat Apr 26 08:22:20 UTC 2008

On Friday 25 April 2008 19:56:02 Sandro Andrade wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've downloaded and compiled the KDE4, KDevPlatform and KDevelop
> development environments and everything is working fine.
> Could anyone point me to some initial development contribution ? I have a
> general and shallow knowledge about the KDevelop4 architecture and plugins.
> I think I need just an initial support in order to get involved.
> Thanks in advance,

There is plenty of directly visible problems in kdevelop-4 right now(just 
start it and try using it). The language related stuff is quite complicated, 
but the user interface might be a good entry point. 

If you prefer starting something "new", you could think about porting the 
documentation plugin from kdevelop-3, and then we could together think about 
how we integrate it with the C++ language support. :)

Greetings, David

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