Kudos to kdev4!

Kishore kitts.mailinglists at gmail.com
Thu Apr 24 05:08:04 UTC 2008

On Wednesday 23 April 2008 23:56:40 Aleix wrote:
> >  3) Creating a project creates a Project.kdev4 file and a .kdev4 folder.
> > Are these version controllable? As in can i check them into VCS so that
> > others can reuse the project files with the same settings (debugger and
> > build settings) that i use? In first look it appears that Project.kde4 is
> > VCS friendly.
> It is a good idea to have the Project.kdev4 file versioned because it
> will not change in most of the cases. This is not the case of
> .kdev4/*, which are too much system dependent...

I was unable to figure out where kdev4 was storing settings for the debugger. 
Since i work with cross platform development i set the gdb executable to the 
respective gdb such as "arm-none-eabi-gdb". This setting is of course is not 
common to every project. I could find no reference to this setting in neither 
project.kdev4 nor .kdev4/project.kde4.

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