Linking of teamwork/boost

David Nolden zwabel at
Wed Apr 9 22:05:16 UTC 2008

2008/4/8, Andreas Pakulat <apaku at>:
> Hi,
>  this is mostly for David: Do you recall wether doing a static link of
>  the boost libs in debug mode improves the size of the plugin/shared
>  libs? I've just found out how to force cmake to use the static versions,
>  so this might be a way to reduce linking/loading time a lot...
>  Andreas

I think the sizes are the same, except that now with dynamic linking,
the whole size is split into 5 sharable libraries.

There is another problem however, I think that's a result of the
shared-lib thing:
Teamwork doesn't work any more. KDevelop crashes whenever a message is
received in some dynamic_cast. Maybe we can have a look into that at
the hackathon. :)

What do you mean by "force cmake to use the static version". You mean
that he problem that forced us to make the libraries dynamic(something
with amd64) is solved?

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