Subversion (other VCS too I guess) dialog mode's

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Sun Sep 30 09:57:12 UTC 2007


I'd like to get some clarification on the dialog modes for svn (and
possibly other VCS too), namely which dialogs should be modal and which

So we have basically 2 types of dialogs:

a) dialogs shown before an action is handed to svn client
b) dialogs shown due to requests by the svn client api

IMHO it is clear that the dialogs from a) should be non-modal, so that I
can have a diff-view open (or request one even) while the commit-dialog
is already shown. 

OTOH it makes sense (to me at least) to make the dialogs in b) modal,
as these are really small dialogs which don't need much time to fill in
(i.e. shouldn't be too disturbing during your usual work). This includes
login-dialog, ssl-trust-dialog (accept cerificate), client-certificate
dialogs (not sure how those are handled) and a (possibly simpler)
commit-dialog for things like remote-copy where the API  doesn't accept
a commit message but needs one nevertheless.

Comments please?


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