Clarification on a VCS-Iface Issue

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Wed Sep 5 09:02:04 UTC 2007

On 04.09.07 21:04:23, Matt Rogers wrote:
> On Sep 4, 2007, at 8:14 PM, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> > On 04.09.07 18:54:34, Matt Rogers wrote:
> >> We should always retrieve a result. Don't we always need to know
> >> whether something succeeded or not? Whether or not we display it to
> >> the user is up to the user of the API. We need to remove all of the
> >> showXXX methods. They're redundant.
> >
> > I don't think they are. Those are specifically to let the user see  
> > the result
> > instead of just fetching it and eventually doing something with it.  
> > For
> > cases where the user of the API wants the developer see the result of
> > the diff, the showXXX methods can be used, which saves the user of the
> > API some code to write that would put the diff into a diff-viewer.  
> > This
> > code would be redundant for _every_ user of the API that wants to show
> > the diff to the user and that redundancy is avoided by having showXXX
> > methods.
> >
> Ok, so diff is a valid use case for these show methods. Perhaps we  
> can rename them displayXXX instead? Do you have other valid use-cases  
> for other methods? Diff is the only one where I am aware of where it  
> makes sense. Perhaps log as well.

I'll go through the interfaces tonight and come up with a list.

> Another idea:
> What about just having the XXX methods in most cases displaying these  
> things in a tab in the text editor? We provide a virtual protected  
> function that allows the user of the API to customize how the display  
> is handled, and the XXX function calls it. This is similar to how  
> it's handled in QItemDelegate and that's basically the same sort of  
> functionality we're talking about here.

I think I don't really follow you. How can the user of the API provide a
function to customize the display when the versioning interface has no
idea about the user? Its currently a one-way-API, a user can call a
function from the Vcs API but the Vcs API doesn't know anything about
the user (wether its a script, a class from shell, or another plugin). I
think I need a bit more detail on this to understand.


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