QMake manager KDevelop question

Kris Wong wongk at seapine.com
Wed Oct 24 12:22:23 UTC 2007

> our approach uses the .qmake.cache for setting the build type and also
> setting up the build-directories. Here's an example:
> .qmake.cache:
> contains(CUSTOM_BUILD_TYPE, release){
>  CONFIG_STRING=release
> }
> contains(CUSTOM_BUILD_TYPE, checked){
>  CONFIG_STRING=checked
> }
> [...]
> There's also a check for the BUILD_TYPE setting:
> options = $$find(CUSTOM_BUILD_TYPE, "debug") $$find(CUSTOM_BUILD_TYPE,
> "release") $$find(CUSTOM_BUILD_TYPE, "checked")
> !count(options, 1){
>  error( CUSTOM_BUILD_TYPE needs to have release OR debug OR
> checked set!)
> }
> The temporary output directories are set with:
> RCC_DIR = tmp
> UI_DIR = uic
> Each .pro file includes (after setting up all of its stuff like
> sources, dependencies) a .pri file which sets the CONFIG variable for
> qt, and adjusts the TARGET name as well as the dependencies.
> example for the debug case:
> contains(CUSTOM_BUILD_TYPE, debug ){
>  message("building debug")
>   TARGETDEPS ~= s|\.a\b|d.a|g
>  LIBS ~= s|\.a\b|d.a|g
>  TARGET = $$join(TARGET,,,"d")
>  message( "Target set to $$TARGET" )
>   CONFIG -= release
>   CONFIG += debug
> }

We do sort of a similar thing.  We use a custom variable called MODE.  We can then check:

equals(MODE, Release)

If this is true, it's a release build, any other value is a debug build.  Our build directories are as such:


DESTDIR would be set based on MODE.  The qmake command would then be:

"qmake" for a debug build and
"qmake "MODE=Release"" for a release build

Kris Wong

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