KDevelop3.5 slows down sometimes

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Mon Oct 22 21:38:42 UTC 2007


when I fixed a few QMake bugs last week I again had the problem of
KDevelop3.5 taking a break for 1 or 2 seconds (i.e. quite noticeable)
while typing text. This wasn't the first time this happened, but
unfortunately its not easily reproducable. I just started kdev with
kdev3.5 source as project and I could happily hack away.

I somehow have the feeling that this might be related to changes in the
C++ part between 3.4.1 (i.e. May 14th) and now, but looking at the
commit logs I couldn't find anything that could be the source.

Cyrille Berger also complained today about this problem on IRC in
#kdevelop, so its probably not just me. 

Maybe this is related to the change of the include-path-resolver that
now also works with out-of-source builds? I'm using out-of-source for
kdev3 as well (well, not really out-of-source, I have my builddir inside
the source dir).

David any idea? 


PS: Callgrind output doesn't really indicate anything obvious (I can
send it to anyone privately or put it online somewhere if there's
interest). Also I don't know wether the session actually exposed the
problem, because it was slow typing anyway :(

You look tired.

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