
Matt Rogers mattr at kde.org
Thu May 31 19:32:16 UTC 2007

On Tuesday 29 May 2007 11:32, Matthew Woehlke wrote:
> (I tried to reply to your commit log but don't see the message yet...
> might be moderated or blocked because I sent from a different address.
> So apologies if it shows up later and duplicates this :-).)
> Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> > On 27.05.07 21:04:33, Matt Rogers wrote:
> >> On Sunday 27 May 2007 20:53, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> >>> SVN commit 668891 by apaku:
> >>>
> >>> add exec() which runs the job in a synchronous way
> >>
> >> Why? Under what circumstances would we need the synchronous way of doing
> >> things?
> >
> > For simple scripts for example, those don't have signal/slot stuff set
> > up necessarily.
> Right. Btw, whatever happened to wait()? Should we have exec(), wait()
> or both? (Note: exec() == start()+wait() if we have wait().)
> To answer Matt: scripts generally run sequentially, it is I think much
> easier to write a script that way than to all the time tie the
> finished() signal to starting the next step of the script.

How bout for right now we don't care about scripts and instead focus on 
actually making a usable IDE? If somebody is using the IDE, why would they 
write scripts?

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