
Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Wed May 30 19:35:08 UTC 2007

On 30.05.07 19:11:50, Dukju Ahn wrote:
> SVN commit 669909 by dukjuahn:
> Implementing Directory watcher in custom make manager.

Good that you used QFileSystemWatcher and not KDirWatch (the latter one
has a couple of shortcomings). The stuff you do inside the directory
changed slot should probably go into the filesystem watcher class and
then the whole class should go somewhere into lib/ so other project
managers can benefit from that (QMake will need this too). 

KDirWatch still exists, but I'm actually not even sure if it works on
windows (where QFileSystemWatcher works for sure), it as a bit more
fine-grained signals, unfortunately a couple of the features are not
implemented. (This is mainly for Matt to explain why QFileSystemWatcher
is the better alternative)


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