REMINDER: Final review of VCS interfaces

Matthew Woehlke mw_triad at
Tue May 29 16:24:12 UTC 2007

dukju ahn wrote:
> 2007/5/29, Matthew Woehlke <mw_triad at>:
>> Ok, one comment on annotate()... it isn't clear what type of revision is
>> returned (GlobalNumber or FileNumber) or if it is possible to try to
>> retrieve both. What about this simple change (below)? Note that date is
>> now fetched by asking for the Date type of revision. This should also
>> make things easier in the case that a VCS's annotate() only returns a
>> subset of the possible information.
>> Index: vcshelpers.h
>> ===================================================================
>> --- vcshelpers.h        (revision 669527)
>> +++ vcshelpers.h        (working copy)
>> -    /**
>> -     * @param linenum the number of the line, counting from 0
>> -     * @return the date of the last change on the specified line
>> -     */
>> -    QDateTime date( int linenum );
>>   };
> VcsRevision may contain only one type of information. It is impossible that
> each plugin should provides datetime, number simultanuously for revision.
> RevisionType revisionType() const; returns only one kind between date, number
> or special.
> So VcsAnnotation should provide date() method.

I think you misunderstand; it does provide date(), it just looks like 
this now:

//was: myLineIndex );
annotateReturn.revision( myLineIndex, VcsRevision::Date );

As in other places, the second parameter specifies what kind of revision 
you want, so to get the date, ask for a date. :-) Now you can also ask 
for other types of revisions as well, although only *Number and Date 
really make sense I think.

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