Future KDevelop 3.4.x releases

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Sun May 27 21:35:27 UTC 2007

On 27.05.07 17:34:41, Daniel Schmitt wrote:
> Please don't let KDevelop 3.4.x die!

It will.

> Keep in mind that the enterprise developer will stay on KDE3 minimum
> the next three years.

Then the distribution you use needs to give you support on that for that
time, however we already dropped KDevelop3.3 completely and our main
focus is on KDevelop4. Currently there are not even a handful active
developers due to time constraints and thats just not enough to fully
support 2 major versions.

> I am using KDevelop for 2 years now, and in my opinion there has never
> been a release without major bugs so far.

I disagree here, the 3.4.0 release had a major bug in the QMake Manager
but the 3.4.1 release doesn't have a major bug that affects everybody.

> A "real" stable 3.4.x release without any new features, well
> documented, would be great.

We will try to close serious bugs if time allows and we will certainly
fix bugs for which there are patches provided.


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