Text color vs. icons (was: KColor is coming this Monday...)

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Sat May 26 20:40:54 UTC 2007

On 26.05.07 11:35:50, Matthew Woehlke wrote:
> Matt Rogers wrote:
> > What's wrong with icons next to the items? Why do we have to color the whole 
> > line? (and take that particular part of the discussion back to 
> > kdevelop-devel)
> ...the full line of color (assuming the color is legible) is much easier 
> to distinguish than just an icon, which translates into less time 
> staring at the screen before your brain figures out what it needs to be 
> focusing on. At least that's my thought.

I'm seconding Matthew here, a 8x8 pixel icon is nearly invisible on
larger output that "fly's" by, while a colored line is pretty visible
even in that case (at least thats my private experience).

Also I think (just think, no numbers) providing an icon for each error
line might cause some serious slowdowns in the outputview if you have
for example C++ template errors or other things where a few hundred
error lines are created.


Don't plan any hasty moves.  You'll be evicted soon anyway.

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